Guide to Garner 2022-23 | Page 11

SOLID WASTE PICKUP The Town of Garner ’ s nationally accredited Public Works Department oversees a comprehensive solid waste management program , including weekly curbside garbage collection ; weekly curbside yard waste and bulky waste collections ; an electronics recycling event ; biweekly curbside recycling programs ; and special spring and fall “ unprepared ” trash and yard waste collections . For more information about these services , visit garnernc . gov / departments / public-works / solidwaste-services or call Public Works at 919.772.7600 .
UTILITIES The Town does not directly provide utilities . Water / wastewater service is provided by City of Raleigh Public Utilities ( raleighnc . gov , 919.996.3245 ), electricity service by Duke Energy Progress ( duke-energy . com , 919.508.5400 ) and natural gas service by PSNC Energy ( psncenergy . com , 877.776.2427 ).
SNOW / ICE REMOVAL Garner Public Works Department crews work during inclement winter weather to remove snow and ice from Town-maintained roadways . To learn more about the department ’ s strategy for clearing streets of snow and ice , visit garnernc . gov / departments / public-works / snow-removal-andice-control . For more information , contact Public Works at 919.772.7600 .
SCHOOLS Public schools in Garner are operated by the Wake County Public School System , whose website can be found at wcpss . net .
TAX COLLECTIONS Garner residents are required to list all personal
and real property with the Wake County tax office during January of each year . Tax bills for real property are mailed in July by Wake County and are due Sept . 1 . Interest begins accruing on unpaid bills beginning Jan . 6 of each year . Taxes may be paid at the Bill Pay area on the first floor of Town Hall , by mail to Wake County Revenue Department ( P . O . Box 580084 , Charlotte , NC 28258-0084 ), by phone at 919.856.5400 or by visiting wakegov . com .
Tax bills for vehicles are sent with annual tag registrations by the NC Division of Motor Vehicles . Vehicle taxes may be paid at NC DMV headquarters ( 1100 New Bern Ave ., Raleigh , NC ), by mail ( NC DMV , P . O . Box 29620 , Raleigh , NC 27626 ), an NCDMV license plate agency , or by visiting ncdot . gov / dmv . Questions can be directed to NCDMV Customer Service at 919.715.7000 .
HUMAN RESOURCES The Human Resources Department is responsible , among other things , for recruitment and selection of Town of Garner staff . To learn about employment opportunities with the Town and to apply for a position , visit garnernc . gov / careers . The department maintains a work station with computer and instructions on the second floor of Town Hall where individuals can apply for positions with the Town . The department uses the NeoGov human resources management software .
garnernc . gov