Overview of Town Services and Amenities
GENERAL INFORMATION Town Hall is located at 900 7th Ave . Hours are 8 a . m . -5 p . m . Monday through Friday . Town Hall is home to the following : the Town Manager ’ s Office , the Town Clerk ’ s Office , the Mayor ’ s Office , Communications , Human Resources , Finance , Economic Development , Engineering , Inspections and Planning . The Town ’ s website is at garnernc . gov ; it serves as a one-stop shop for information and news about the Town .
TOWN CLERK All official Town records , including minutes of Town Council meetings , are kept by the town clerk . Information about actions of the Council can be obtained by contacting the Town Clerk ’ s Office at 919.773.4406 or by visiting garnernc . gov . Requests to place items on the Council agenda should be directed to the town clerk .
POLICE The Town maintains a nationally accredited Police Department that offers a wide variety of community services , including the Police Activities / Athletics League ( garnerpaal . org ; see page 23 ). The department publishes an annual report and has other strategic planning documents at garnerpd . org . For more information or for non-emergencies , call 919.772.8810 . Always dial 911 to report a crime or to request assistance in an emergency situation .
Questions about animal control can be directed to the department ’ s non-emergency line listed above . Nuisance reports may be made by calling 911 .
FIRE AND RESCUE / EMS Garner Volunteer Fire-Rescue , Inc ., provides fire and rescue services in town . The agency is separate from the Town government but receives its funding from the Town and Wake County . The GVFR website is garnerfire . com . Wake County EMS provides paramedic services . Dial 911 to receive emergency services .
EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT CARE WakeMed operates a 24 / 7 emergency department at its healthplex at 400 U . S . 70 in Garner . For more information , visit wakemed . org / garner-healthplex .
8 garnernc . gov