Guatemala Superando Expectativas Guatemala Beyond Expectations-EN | Page 38 Authenctic foods, like home-made W ith more than 40 years in the food industry, Productos Alimenticios Yaestá was born with the vision of preparing authentic food, “ just like home-made”. Their products are easy to make, practical and require little preparation time at home. The company’s first product was powder beans, which’s slogan was “water, boil and ready (ya está)”, which later gave birth to the firm’s brand name. Sylvia Menéndez and her brother Francisco José both agree all their efforts as a family-run business have been worth every effort. the world-famous snacks Tortrix. Guatemalans are “hombres de maiz”, we can say that corn runs through our veins. Since the beginning, this company has focused on offering a great variety of corn-based products: tacos and other products filled with chicken, beef, pork and cheese; as well as pupusas filled with cheese, beans or loroco flower. “We believe in Guatemala and If we had to open another company, we’d do it again in this country” Productos alimienticios Yaestá was started by José René Menéndez Martínez, in 1973, who earlier founded the Company Alimentos René, S.A., the company that created 38 GUATEMALABEYONDEXPECTATIONS .com During the 1980s, we created the corn-made nachos MUCHO NACHO. When we launched this product, on the first month we sold 50 bags! We all remember, a little nostalgic, the great satisfaction of our father. Francisco y Sylvia Menéndez Today, with high-tech equipment, the company produce more than 1,000 kg every hour, and can ship 10 containers daily. In