Guardian East August Issue | Page 5

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” The same holds true for 1-38 CAV during this deployment. The Soldiers of 1-38 CAV have had a lot of interaction with our multinational brethren throughout the month. The July 4th swimming event was a perfect example of how multiple nations can come together for friendly competition and camaraderie. The Soldiers that participated in the sling load training and the crowd and riot control training did a great job. Sling load training will prepare the companies for aerial resupply, whic X^H?H?\]Z\?Y\?[??Y?\??H?[?\??X]\??H???Z[?[???\?[???[XX?H[??\??XZ[?Z[???Y\???? X?Y[??H[??[?Y?]H[H?][??[???\?[??Y?? X?[Z\??[??] ?H??[Z?H?Z?H\?[YH????][]HH KL??U????[???Y\??H[? ?? ??X?\??[????[??Y?K?Z\?\????[?YX?][??\??]?[?[??^H]?H?]H^[\H???]?Y?????Z?H[?^H\?H^[\\?H??Y\???[?[KH??[Z?H?[??H??Y\???H?X\?]X?Y[?[?HY[X?\???H?[Z[H?XY[?\????\ ?[??[?H??[?\?\????[?YX?][?\?[??\?\?[Y[? ?\?H]H[??[??ZY 8?'???[???Y\?H[?\??[?HYX[?[???]Y[??H[????[???\??H?[?\?X?X]H\??\?[??K??'HH\]Y]?\?[?H[?H KL??[Z[H??Z\?]Y[??H[?\??\?[??H[?H\????[?\???[?YY?\?\??H[?]?H?^H??]\??X???\\??\?Z\??[?[??????[?]?YK?Q??S???P??H H??[X[??? ?XZ????X[?\?\???????B??? B??