In the United States 30% of homes have a cat. Cats have been popular pets for thousands of years and there are many different breeds. In this article I'll discuss the history of cat and three different breeds of cats: Scottish fold, Persian and Siberian.
The first paleontological discoveries locate the first foci of domestication of the cat in Egypt towards 2000 B.C. The ancient Egyptians used to call the cat the onomatopoeia "miou". The cat was appreciated for its sweetness, its grace and its indolence, but the cat is mainly a protective animal. When hunting small rodents, it protects the silos where the Egyptians kept their harvest, vital resource for this town of farmers. The Egyptians venerated the cats and at funeral the cats were filled with all honors of state and the family to which he belonged mourned and shaved his eyebrows. The richer the family, the more important the funerals were, and the more sumptuous the sarcophagus. The cat were accompanied by embalmed mice. In 1890 more than 300,000 mummies of cats were discovered in Tell Basta, the ancient city of Bubastis, once capital of Egypt.
Today many people have cats as pets. One popular breed is the Scottish Fold. It's a breed of cat native to Scotland United Kingdom, with a medium bony structure and great musculature. It has round feet and thick tail of medium size. Its head is very rounded, with small ears folded, the nose is flat and short and has prominent cheekbones. Their coat is short, they do not have a specific color, and they possess a strong character and great hunter instinct. It's a cat very friendly, sweet and a good companion. They trust fully in the human being and it is very easy to adapt to new surroundings. It almost never presents nervousness. Kittens are usually born with their ears back. Just three weeks after birth they begin to develop their most differential trait. It may happen that they cannot develop at all, even there are cases where only one ear gets the target. To avoid these problems, experts advise not to give them too much milk when they are babies, because this would cause natural strength of development cannot compete against the firmness of cartilage.
Breeds of Cats