Exotic Pets
Usually people have pets like cats or dogs but there are people who like to have exotic pets. However what are the best exotic pets , dangerous exotic pets and illegal exotic pets?
There are many exotic pets but only some are the best ones. For example, the geckos have as their main advantage their docility and their appearance. They are very beautiful so it is one of the best exotic pets. The clownfish is a simple fish to take care of and maintain and it's very showy, in addition you can join it with others because is friendly. The wallabies are very similar to kangaroos but with shorter legs and are smaller. They are a good option to domesticate. They are usually very docile and they get used quickly to the humans. The cat of bengala are quite calm, although they need a process of adaptation and need to be taken outdoors. It's a very active and affectionate cat. Small rodents such as syrian hamsters , dwarf hamsters, mice, Gerbils, degus and rats are easy to maintain and have few health problems which can be prevented with them good nutrition.
Some people have very exotic pets but maybe some people do not know that the pets they have are dangerous. For example, the boas can look very nice and harmless but grow very quickly and can be several feet long. They can eat by a cat or a dog. The scorpions are dangerous because they have sting with a very powerful poison. Camels are very temperamental animals . According to a report on Fox News, when a local news television crew was filming the exotic animal farms, a camel named Polo, 1800 pounds, attacked its owner with kicks and sat on it because he did not like the camera. Big cats are not meant to be good pets because they are predators, aggressive and need a lot of specialized care. According to the WWF in the United States, there are more tigers in Backyards than in the wild state. When the tigers do not have good vigilance the consequences that this brings can be very dangerous. One of major incidents in the United States occurred in Ohio state in 2011, where emergency services had to shoot 18 rare bengale tigers and 17 lions when their owner let them loose in the local community. Chimpanzees are another exotic animal that should not be a pet. They are adorable, they also know for biting and attacking humans and animals. The wound they produce are not at all pretty.
People who have exotic pets should know if they are illegal. Here are some pets that are illegal and some of the laws of some states of United States about exotic pets that are illegal. For example, trade in orangutans is prohibited by CITES ( The Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild Fauna and Flora). In Illinois, dangerous animals are not allow to be kept as pets unless you are a zoo, licensed circus, or other acceptable organization. Dangerous animals include large cats, coyotes, wolves, bear and poisonous reptiles. In New Mexico, it is unlawful for a person to possess non-domesticated felines, primates crocodiles, alligators and wolves. In Nevada, specific animals are listed as being prohibited these include alligators , crocodiles, raccoons and foxes. In Alabama, no one can possess, sell or import fish from the genus Clarias or Serrasalmus, black carp, any species of mongoose, any member of the family cervidae any species of coyote, fox, raccoon, skunk wild rodents or wild turkey.
In conclusion there are many exotic pets and people can get them, but before choosing an exotic pet you should see if they are dangerous, make sure it's not an illegal pet and see which pets are better to live with human beings . Be well informed before choosing a pet of this type because it will be with you and your family.