DiMarzio endorser. This easy-to-reach switch UNIVERSAL AUDIO APOLLO TWIN MKII QUAD and warm, and feature a switchable circuit to
enables you to control phase alignment at the The outstanding fidelity, easy routing, native counteract proximity in case you need to set
instrument, which is vital on a multi-pickup UA plug-in processing power, and portability them up in a corner or near a wall. I cannot
system. Simply put, these pickups are the heart make for an unbeatable combination. Per the stress the importance of having a great set of
and soul of this rig. video, the bundled Console app allowed me studio monitors, and for the money I’ve yet to
to monitor using UA’s Dreamverb plug-in as I see anything that can compete with these.
VERTEX MODIFIED STEREO VOLUME tracked, without “printing” it to the recorded The Vertex Effects handwired stereo volume track. The flexibility of being able to easily jump ISOACOUSTICS ISOL8R SPEAKER STANDS
pedal is another key component in this rig. This into the creative space without paying the price If you’ve ever touched the headstock of your
passive volume pedal is utterly transparent and later is priceless. guitar against a wall and started playing you’ll
built like a tank so it stays put where you place
understand the impact of surface to surface
it. It is vital to be able to control the volume on AVID PRO TOOLS coupling. Another irreplaceable item that
the fly without taking your hands off the guitar, Although I’ve reviewed a number of the great came in for review, ISOL8Rs stands, free your
and the dual inputs and outputs maintain the recording applications out there, when I made speakers from surface-born coupling. Available
stereo integrity of the signal chain. the jump from tape-based recording I started in a range of sizes, the included height adjusters
using Pro Tools and haven’t looked back. One allow you to focus your speakers exactly where
GRACE DESIGN FELIX of the biggest reasons is the built-in plugs you want them – head on! Used by top speaker
Ironically, Grace Design and DiMarzio are both and rock solid integration with my beloved UA manufacturers, audiophiles, and mix engineers
using each other’s systems, so this combination hardware. For the mix on the video I added the world over, hearing truly is believing.
was a bit of a no brainer. The fidelity of the EQ Dreamverb to the guitar tracks and used a on the two channels on the Felix is perfect for combination of the 1176 Rev A and Precision AURALEX ACOUSTIC TREATMENT
dual-pickup systems, allowing you to sculpt Limiter on the Master Fader to add a hint of Like most home studios, the room where I record
the perfect tone at the soundhole and under vintage flair as I leveled things out. This is my was not designed for making music. Prior to
the saddles. The strategy here was to use the “go to” combination for getting great acoustic being treated it was one of the worst sounding
complementary elements from both pickup guitar sounds in the studio. rooms I’ve ever heard. Fortunately, the Auralex
locations to craft and blend a sound that is
web site allows you to upload a diagram of your
designed to be split left and right across the PRESONUS ERIS E8 STUDIO POWERED MONITORS space, and in turn craft a customized treatment
stereo spectrum. The dual outputs allow you When these monitors came in for review I plan, free of charge. While you do have to buy
to maintain sonic integrity for stage or, in this hadn’t planned on falling in love with them, the various materials necessary to treat your
case, studio. but I did. They’re great for recording guitar, room, if you’re serious about recording, this is
have a frequency response that is both flat one of the best investments you can make.
Sep Oct 2017