[ RIGBOOK #1 | Doug Doppler ]
Akin to the LookBooks found in women’s
fashion magazines, RigBooks offer suggestions
for outfitting your setup from top to bottom. If
you take the LookBook analogy a bit further, far
too many players have a closet full of gear they
never use. More often than not, this is the result
of not having a rig-driven buying strategy, which
is both a poor use of finances and space!
RigBooks are, in many ways, like simultaneous MARTIN D-16GT
reviews of several pieces of gear, reflecting the With a MAP price of U$D 1,499.00, the Martin
fact that when I get something in to review I D16GT sits at the lower end of the Martin price
almost always pair it with other gear to see how spectrum. This guitar sounds and plays great,
it holds up in real-world applications. This is the but the lack of built-in electronics poses one of
same strategy I use for putting together rigs, the common challenges acoustic players face
where each piece has to do a great job at the – how to capture the sound on stage and in
component level and as part of a larger system. the studio. The good news is that this is exactly
why the folks at DiMarzio selected it to install
Well-designed rigs usually solve a number of
their Dark Angel pickups.
problems simultaneously. I’ve provided links for
each of the components in this rig, so we can DIMARZIO BLACK ANGEL SOUNDHOLE AND PIEZO
focus on how each of these pieces function to ACOUSTIC PICKUPS
provide specific rig-driven solutions, and in While the DiMarzio Black Angel Soundhole
turn you can explore the key features for and Piezo Acoustic pickups sound great on
the components you are interested in. their own, when used together they deliver
outstanding results by blending the body
As noted in the following video, a rig from the soundhole with the sparkle at the
needs to both inspire you as a player and bridge. The phase switch on the side of
make it easy to capture the essence of the soundhole pickup reflects a suggestion
your music for others to hear! from acoustic virtuoso Mike Dawes, an avid
Sep Oct 2017