GSIS 2017 Yearbook: #BeYou Volume 11 | Page 62

Elementary music teacher Ms. Kim and secondary Biology teacher Ms. Chan rehearse in the auditorium early Saturday morning before staff arrive. Members of the worship team gave up time after school and during retreat to practice. Some of the songs sang were ‘Here I am to Worship’, ‘How Great is Our God’, and ‘Amazing Grace’. Be a CO Be a CO mmuni mmuni t y ty Faculty an d Fall Events % 11.6 % 2.3 % 2.3 % 7 4.7% % 62 % 2.3 7% 9.3 % 11.6 % 6 . 18 % 3 . 23 42 people surveyed Sta f f Ret r ea t • Mr. Chris Ward: Fly small planes • Mr. Daniel Chiang: Earn money in the mines of Australia • Mr. James Rader: Write History Non-Fiction books • Mr. Nathan Pownall: Fight fires • Ms. Alex Park: Write a Korean drama • Ms. Allison Perry: Work as a sound production engineer • Ms. Elizabeth Cho: Perform on Broadway • Ms. Melissa Lyons: Work as a chef • Ms. Sujin Hughes: Work as a florist