MYP 10 DT students learned about
the design cycle in order to create suc-
cessful products for younger students.
“We first brainstormed ideas on
sketches and then chose one design
from it and then we transferred what we
sketched by hand onto SketchUp. And
then we made our product”, said Jaclyn
The students were allowed to design
any type of game, as long as it was edu-
cational and focused on the target audi-
ence: young children. Between the two
design classes, there was a big variation
of designs. From a wooden dice to a toy
train, the students were creative in de-
signing games and toys the early learning
center children would enjoy playing with.
“We were creating an education-
al game for children, and mine was fo-
cused towards the junior kindergarten-
ers. I created a game similar to charades
where the kids have to act out the ani-
mal shown on a card and the one who
guesses it right gets to roll the dice and
gets points”, explained Jenny Kim. “They
enjoyed acting out the animals and they
were able to learn a few new animals but
the dice rolling part was a complete fail.”
Aidan Schneider created “toy blocks
with magnets on them so that they can
be stacked together, and stay together”.
For Aidan, the most enjoyable part
of the process was the “actual designing
itself where you get to use the different
sharp tools and cut the wood”.
Jaclyn Kim designed “a tic-tac-toe
game which is basically a wooden board
with a grid”.
At the beginning of the unit, Jaclyn
struggled because she “wasn’t used to
using SketchUp”. Through this unit, “I
was able to learn more about spaces,
dimensions, and being able to apply my
design and create a product.”
Freddy Seo said, “I created toy blocks
of different colors and sizes. I thought it
was quite successful since my target au-
dience was kindergarteners and they en-
joyed playing with them. The most chal-
lenging part for me was the production
stage because the blocks wouldn’t come
out the same size so I had to keep resiz-
ing and restarting my product”.
ITGS : Information Technology in a Global Society
12 th grade class units:
• Computer Models and Simulations
• Business and Employment
• Education
• Environment
• Home and Leisure
• Wearable tech (Paper 3 case study)
• Internal Assessment