GSAIR EMEA 2023 | Page 3


Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report EMEA 2023

in association with :

Oasis & Oasis Collections , Skyside International , Forenom , Roomspace , res : harmonics , Staycity Aparthotels , Wilde Aparthotels by Staycity , Charles Hope , Appart ’ City and SilverDoor
Published by Ariosi www . ariosi . com
Supported by Travel Intelligence Network www . the-tin . com
Designed by EXP www . expconsultancy . com
Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy , neither Ariosi nor Travel Intelligence Network can be held responsible for any errors or omissions .
Confidentiality notice Copyright © 2023 by Ariosi ( the Company ). All rights reserved . This document or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Company . The information contained within is strictly confidential and / or protected by law . If you are not the intended recipient of this document you must not make any use of this information , copy , store , disclose or show it to any unauthorised person .
Report Methodology GSAIR EMEA 2023 has been responsibly compiled by undertaking extensive research using primary sources including conducting interviews and curating and collecting self-written pieces from contributors both in and closely aligned to the serviced apartment sector . For this edition we have focussed on primary sources , with secondary sources kept to a minimum . Where secondary sources are used , information sources are fully attributed .