from the plants-if you collect, store and mange the condensate capture possibilities.
Better yet, they can supply you with a total grow room cooling package; including a timed Air Handler “Flip” plenum, that allows you to operate TWO separate
short-day flowering rooms from the same cooling system. Effectively, you can
double your production potential-just add a flip relay to your lighting system and
you are most of the way there...
Desmond at H&M doesn’t believe in guess work. By education, experience
and background he is an Engineer-with many years of practical experience in the
field of grow room cooling applications. Meeting the grow room cooling needs
of BC’s “Big Guys” means you know how to provide effective solutions that are
reliable-and at a price that growers can justify and recapture in improved year
long production.
Besides offering complete cooling systems like Split ACs (double and triple
splits), Swamp Coolers, Reservoir Chiller, Thermostatic Solenoids, Water Cooled
Air Conditioning and other growing appliances, Desmond is also well known and
respected for the work H&M Heat Exchanger does in servicing and repairing just
about any make or model out there. We can personally testify to his amazing
ability to troubleshoot over the phone, even complex stuff that most of us would
have to consult a wiring diagram for—he’s got it “upstairs” for fast and friendly
The Cool Today
It wasn’t that long ago that many indoor growers were “forced off the job” during
summer months; having a ripple effect through the hydroponic industry and
beyond. Today, thanks to innovative companies like H&M and people like Des
who have the background and foresight to make a difference we can all welcome,
indoor growers not only enjoy year round production....they harvest heavier and
more often, thanks to the ability to operate CEA indoor growing set ups.
In fact, when you run totally sealed you can re-use your water over and over—
by capturing what the plant transpired from the condensate return in your AC
system and supplemental dehumidification equipment. Just one more example
of the ripples that cool innovations can have for all of us with a love of the leafy
and green side of life.
Super Cool.