Grozine Cultivation Tech & Lifestyles Mag Issue 12 | Page 46

was getting dehumidified-eventually a “what if” came into the equation and growers went completely sealed. No More Intake or Exhaust Rather, the air is now being manufactured since adequate cooling power became available. Because no outside air is being exchanged, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) supplementation could be effective in producing better yields, especially when coupled with optimal and consistent day/night temperatures in the grow room by swamp coolers and supplemental de-humidifcation equipment. This was a proverbial “game changer”. The next step was to allow for more cooling power and less water consumption. The next step in the evolutionary chain was Water Cooled Air Conditioning, which some Pros to this day will say if you can supply the 1.5 GPM of water it takes to cycle when ON, it’s “simply the best”. And it can go ANYWHERE. Pre-Charged Lines and Split ACs are Here Ultimately, H&M and other innovative comapnies were able to offer the solution that is widely adopted today by serious year round indoor growers, and that’s Split Acs (like your “whole house” AC system) that come with Pre Charged Refrigerant Lines. Today, growers can install their own AC units-your heat exchanger goes outside, the air handler goes in your grow room. No outside air is exchanged, like window air conditioners do. The very fundamental difference between NOW and THEN is that companies like H&M can supply totally safe and cert