Growth Strata•Gems Magazine Growth Strata•Gems Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 5


Growth Gems : Quick Win Ideas To Grow Your Business

Growing your business needn ’ t be like slogging your way through kneedeep snow . Every company has accumulated practices , habits , and processes that no longer fit . Streamlining them is like releasing the parking brake on your vehicle ; it will enable you to move forward more easily . Here ’ s how to find those quick-win opportunities that pay off fast :

1 . Get aligned around your company ’ s “ main thing .” Survey or ask your employees , “ What do you feel should be the company ’ s most important priority to complete in the next ninety days ?” Compile all the answers and then host a meeting where you give the respondents the task of consolidating the suggestions
and creating a master list of priorities . Place these suggested priorities on a grid comparing impact to simplicity or cost , and then discuss , debate , and rank the priorities .
Go for the top three quick-win opportunities first . Assign a different person to be accountable for completing each priority . Agree on a completion date for each priority and make sure each person has the authority to get it done . Review the resources needed ( including buy-in from others ) and ensure that all who must support completing the priority know its importance . Follow up weekly to ensure the priority is on track for completion . Celebrate its achievement , acknowledge the people involved , and build on this success by reviewing your master list and doing it all again . It ’ s very energizing for people when they understand what ’ s important and they can measure their progress doing important things .
2 . Using the same methodology as in # 1 above , create a “ stop doing ” list . Often , stopping something that is time wasting or doesn ’ t add value for the customer is the quickest way to move forward . Ask your employees what current practices they feel , if stopped , would help “ de-hassle ” the business . Collect suggestions , rank them , assign employees to eliminate
“ MAKE THE NECESSARY PEOPLE DECISIONS AND QUIT CARRYING DEADWOOD . “ the most impactful time wasters , and monitor employees ’ progress through completion of the tasks .
3 . Improve your execution by streamlining your meetings . For most businesses , successful growth strategy is not a revolutionary new business model or breakthrough innovation . Normally , it ’ s executing the “ small things that matter ” more consistently and more effectively than your competitors . The number one reason companies fail to execute their strategic priorities is their leaders and managers are “ too busy ,” and the reason they ’ re too busy is because they ’ ve let their communication systems become inefficient and their meetings become bloated . Their lives are filled with reactive , ad hoc meetings to deal with operational emergencies , customer calamities , and employee mistakes .
Instead , design your own meeting framework by deciding in what meeting you ’ ll deal with one-off tactical issues , common or systemic tactical problems , strategic issues like changes in the market and competitor actions , customer feedback , employee issues , financial reviews , strategic priorities , and the like . You ’ ll find that your meetings will be shorter , more focused , more interesting , and more successful .
4 . Make the necessary people decisions and quit carrying deadwood . Building a company of performers ( A players ) means not dragging them down by forcing them to work with poor performers ( C players ). C players include those who are capable but are so tainted no one can work with them , and those who aren ’ t capable but are nice to be around . You ’ re looking for performance and a cultural fit , so don ’ t settle for anything less . u
Certified with Gazelles International Rick has generated results in the millions of dollars for his clients using Four Decisions TM tools like the One Page Strategic Plan , the Rockefeller Habits checklist , the Power of One and many others .
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