AERATION , IRRIGATION & DRAINAGE two ponds to help improve the dissolved oxygen levels and the ecological balance in the pond . Improvement had already been made to the larger of the two ponds at this end of Exeter Golf and Country Club ’ s Golf Course . The team then moved on to installing the pump for the drainage system .
Once this was complete Heathland Fountains Servicing Team then performed a full service on an existing fountain located on the golf course . This included a full mechanical service and fountain testing to ensure everything was running correctly and performing well .
A Select Series 2 Cluster Arch floating lake fountain was selected from the Select Series 2 floating lake fountain range along with a Solar AquaAir diffused aeration system from the diffused lake aeration range , for this project . The Heathland Fountains Fountain and Aerator Servicing Centre were also contracted as part of the project . For information on any of our services or products please email us at info @ heathlandfountainsandaerators . co . uk or call us on 0800 3891990 .
www . heathlandfountainsandaerators . co . uk
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | Winter 2021 33