Groundskeeping Journal Issue 8 2021 | Page 32


A Select Series 2 Cluster Arch floating water fountain was the best choice

eathland Fountains

H suggested the Select Series 2 Cluster Arch floating lake fountain would fit the clients requirements for this project . Whilst on-site our team also moved the current Solar AquaAir diffused aerator . The aerator was moved from the larger pond into a smaller pond and the team installed a pump system within a drain on the grounds . Our servicing centre team serviced another fountain already on the grounds , not supplied or installed by Heathland Group .

Our team provided a trunking system from the power source to the edge of the pond where the floating lake fountain would be positioned and to the drain where the pump would be installed . This ensured there was no unnecessary disturbance to the grounds at the Exeter Golf and Country Club . The team arrived on-site and started work feeding the required cabling and preparing the Cluster Arch SS2 floating lake fountain for installation . We suppled a control panel with the fountain so the client had the option of a timer for the fountain if required .
Once the team had decided on the correct location for the best visual effect from the SS2 Cluster Arch floating lake fountain , it was then anchored into position using Heathland Groups innovative anchor system . This anchoring technique make sure the fountain doesn ’ t move in the lake .
The Solar AquaAir diffused lake aerator that was installed before was moved and repositioned in the smaller of the
32 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | Winter 2021