Groundskeeping Journal Issue 7 2021 | Page 35

O nutrition and soil management are becoming an everincreasing choice at leading sports facilities around the globe , as attention turns to both the impacts of more traditional chemicals and the benefits to the environment of more natural approaches . Built on over 40 years of research , Suståne Natural Fertiliser has one of the largest ranges of organicbased fertilisers and soil builders developed for all landscape and turf applications .

Suståne Natural Fertiliser

rganic solutions to plant
O nutrition and soil management are becoming an everincreasing choice at leading sports facilities around the globe , as attention turns to both the impacts of more traditional chemicals and the benefits to the environment of more natural approaches . Built on over 40 years of research , Suståne Natural Fertiliser has one of the largest ranges of organicbased fertilisers and soil builders developed for all landscape and turf applications .
Suståne is the most comprehensively researched organic fertiliser brand available in today ’ s market . Over 800 independent studies have been conducted in areas including turf establishment , disease suppression , environmental impact , effects on wildlife and soil improvement – the result of this research is a biologicallyactive , organic product range built for agronomic performance . Suståne ’ s aerobic , thermophilic composting process is the most environmentally sound method for recycling of agricultural residue , generating no methane and fewer greenhouse gases than other organic stabilisation processes . With the manufacturing impact on the environment low , the benefits of Suståne to the landscape are many .
Through the unique process , the organic feedstock is concentrated into a nutrient rich humus – rich in microbial diversity yet low in biological oxygen demand . Suståne ’ s microbial diversity index of 4.5 is critical to many soil and plant functions , providing optimal microbiology for plants to thrive . The release of nitrogen is slow , predictable and efficient , reducing loss to the environment through volatilisation , leaching or immobilisation and provides a long-lasting , sustainable source of plant nutrition and soil improvements .
There are formulations within the Suståne range suitable for every turf type and agronomic application , from 100 % organic to higher nitrogen natural-base formulations , each with unique release rates and nutrient profiles . New to the range in 2021 is Suståne Soil Regen ® - a soil amendment product formulated to improve soil structure by increasing infiltration rates and the profiles ’ ability to hold nutrients and moisture .
The Suståne range is available through a network of approved distributors globally , with dedicated Regional Managers on hand to provide tailored , technical advice .
The full range of tennis court equipment visit and to buy-online visit www . edwardsports . co . uk If you have any queries , require expert advice or would like to be sent a catalogue please contact Kerry Foote kfoote @ edsports . co . uk or call 01308 424111
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | August / September 2021 35