PLAZMA is a powerful , high performance , broad spectrum fungicide for the control of disease in managed amenity turf .
It contains 250g per litre of the active ingredient Azoxystrobin , making it one of the strongest , broad spectrum professional turf fungicide on the market .
Azoxystrobin is known to target a wide variety of turf diseases including Fusarium Patch , Take-All Patch , Brown Patch , Leaf Sport , Rust Diseases , Fairy Rings and Anthracnose .
Key Features
Easy to use Plazma Formulation ; can be used in boom sprayer or knapsack
Ideal in High Humidity conditions
Fast Acting & Long Lasting with Rainfast Properties .
1L Convenient Pack size
250g per litre Azoxystrobin
Manufactured by Nufarm , a leading manufacturer of crop protection products for the last 100 years .
www . plazmaturf . com T 01522 246491
MAPP No . 19416 • Use plant protection products safely • Always read the label and product information before use • PLAZMA is a registered trademark of Nufarm UK Ltd .