Groundskeeping Journal Issue 7 2021 | Page 31

Chardin , Clementine and Monroe - to give us quick , strong growth and recovery while we rebuild the soil profile – with the aim of later down the line , re-introducing fescue species .”
Ideally suited for the renovation of high traffic areas , perennial ryegrass delivers improved drought tolerance , high disease resistance and excellent year-round colour , and importantly for David , fast recovery . “ We first sowed the Rye fairway mix in September so we ’ re less than a year into the programme and we have recovered all our fairways – in fact , coverage across the whole course is currently fantastic .”
“ We ’ ve been using Johnsons ’ J Tee on our tees for the last few years and that always performs well , and on the greens it ’ s J All Bent which was last sown at the end of May and this has given us a great initial strike .” While David is delighted with results course-wide , the club ’ s determination to rise even higher in the ranks means mixtures are always being reviewed and assessed with the STRI ratings . “ We can be assured with tabletopping cultivars that with Johnsons , we ’ re going to be getting the tolerances and resistances we need to always be improving .”
David concludes , “ The Johnsons mixtures are also backed up with fantastic technical support , both from Craig and Richard Lewis at our distributor Indigrow . The support network and after-care advice we get is worth more to me than saving a few quid here and there on product . Buying into Johnsons you get the complete package .”
www . johnsonssportsseed . co . uk
“ The Johnsons mixtures are also backed up with fantastic technical support , both from Craig and Richard Lewis at our distributor Indigrow ”
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | August / September 2021 31