Groundskeeping Journal Issue 7 2021 | Page 30

A make it onto the England

Putt-perfect greens s the only club in Essex to

A make it onto the England
Top 100 list , Thorndon Park in Ingrave has a reputation to uphold for its putt-perfect greens and feature fairways . A combination of two years of drought , combined with some extensive leatherjacket damage , had done its very best to scupper that , but a switch in seeding strategy - from fescue to perennial ryegrass from Johnsons Sports Seed – has seen a recovery of the fairways that Course Manager David Byron can only describe as amazing !
When David took over as Course Manager in September 2020 , tackling the loss of coverage on the fairways was his first major task . “ It ’ s no exaggeration to say that what we were faced with was really just mud and dust ” explains David , who heads up a greens team of nine . “ Craig Spooner from DLF came in and conducted a course walk and we decided upon a switch to a bespoke Perennial Ryegrass mixture – featuring Dickens ,
30 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | August / September 2021