A eration is paramount to the health of lakes and ponds , providing them with the oxygen needed to combat problems such as silt and algae , improving water quality and the environment for wildlife .
Built to keep water clean , clear and healthy over an average lifespan of 15 years , Otterbine systems are energy efficient and built to last .
Built to keep water clean , clear and healthy over an average lifespan of over 15 years , Otterbine systems are both energy efficient and built to last .
The silt solution from Otterbine
A eration is paramount to the health of lakes and ponds , providing them with the oxygen needed to combat problems such as silt and algae , improving water quality and the environment for wildlife .
Otterbine is a leading pond and lake management specialist offering a wide range of aerating systems and fountains with the highest oxygen transfer and pumping rates in the industry , adding as much as 3.3lbs or 1.5kg of oxygen per horsepower hour into the water and pumping over 920GPM or 199m3 / hr per horsepower .
Built to keep water clean , clear and healthy over an average lifespan of 15 years , Otterbine systems are energy efficient and built to last . If silt is the problem , there are two primary techniques of water aeration : surface and subsurface .
SURFACE AERATION Surface aeration occurs when floating surface aerators throw droplets into the air where they contact oxygen molecules . Upon falling back to the surface that ‘ dissolved oxygen ’ is then released back into the water , becoming available to use in the process of breaking down organic sediment .
Surface spray aerators combine beauty and function . They can operate in as little as 75cm of water and all 1-5HP aerating fountain spray patterns are interchangeable .
SUBSURFACE AERATION Otterbine ’ s subsurface aerators , or ‘ bubbler ’ systems , are almost invisible , operating from quiet onshore compressors that pump air to diffusers placed at the pond bottom . The air is released via a diffuser and the air bubbles are slowly ‘ absorbed ’ by the water as they rise to the surface .
These units require little to no maintenance , constructed of corrosion resistant material . They can operate in depths from 2 – 12m and have no electrical components in the water .
With Otterbine ’ s comprehensive three to five year warranties on its range including the Giant Fountain , Fractional Series , Air Flo 3 and Fountain Glo Lights , you can rest assured that your water body will stay in good shape and your fountain or aerator will be looked after too .
To learn more about how the Otterbine range of aerators and fountains can tackle silt in your lake , and other water quality issues , contact Reesink on 01480 226800 , email info @ reesinkturfcare . co . uk or visit www . reesinkturfcare . co . uk .
40 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023