Groundskeeping Journal Issue 17 2023 | Page 39

T-T ’ s Pontoon

The versatile Pump Flotation Device
Bodies of water are often utilised to supply water to a range of different applications , such as landscape and sports green irrigation and general dewatering .
This kind of extraction is generally done from the centre of the water source , as the depth at this point ensures a continual supply of water for the application and prevents potential drops in pressure . Even the local wildlife benefit , as shallower areas inhabited by plants and animals are left undisturbed .
Pump flotation devices ( AKA pontoons ) are used in these applications , keeping submersible pumps easily accessible for maintenance purposes and away from settled sediment that could damage the pump ; while keeping surface mounted pumps ( not designed for submersible operation ) above water level , allowing them to be installed at the deepest part of the source .
For an economical alternative to traditional pump flotation devices , consider T-T ’ s Pontoon .
Engineered for de-watering , the Pontoon can be used with either submersible or surface-mounted engine-driven pumps . It is constructed with Marine grade foam-filled polyethylene and UV15 protection , as well as 304 stainless steel straps and fittings for maximum durability against the elements .
The Pontoon features a modular design , meaning that up to four units can be used together for increased load capacity . Each unit holds up to 160kg and is provided with a lifting certificate for your peace of mind .
Installing and commissioning your dewatering pump is stressfree thanks to the Pontoon ’ s lifting points allowing for easy mounting .
For more information on the Pontoon pump flotation device , contact T-T : Call : 01630 647200 Email : response @ ttpumps . com Web : www . ttpumps . com

For essential irrigation you can rely on Hidro Boost range

T-T ' s range of fixed and variable speed multiple clean water booster sets are designed and manufactured to provide both the required flow and water pressure for your application .
ttpumps . com pumpsales @ ttpumps . com + 44 ( 0 ) 1630 647200
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023 39