A Legacy of Giving
A Legacy of Giving
An obituary published almost a year ago reads , “ David W . Leifker , age 74 , beloved husband , devoted father , passed away on Saturday , June 13 , 2015 .” Dave was a friend of the DABG . He was a wellloved gardener , generous with his time and his talent . Dave ’ s life of selfless service left a legacy of giving .
Many years ago , a fellow gardener and benevolent neighbor of the Leifkers gave Dave a small , starter hosta plant . This gift germinated seeds of friendship and generosity in the tri-states over the next three decades .
In 1983 , Dave joined the Dubuque Regional Hosta Society . Naturally , his passion for growing hostas was nurtured , along with his benevolent spirit . In the 33 years that followed , as a member of the DRHS , Dave adopted a hosta bed at the DABG and spent many hours faithfully tending it . Karen Schwarz , a fellow charter member , said , “ Dave was always a proponent of giving … especially encouraging donations to the DABG . He was the one club member who got the concept of a memorial brick walkway in The Arboretum going .” A large portion of the proceeds from the June 2016 Hosta Society Sale will benefit the extension of a brick walkway from the Herb Garden to the Hosta Show Garden .
Dave also nurtured an extensive hosta collection on the grounds of his home in southwest Wisconsin . When the nursery catalogues came in the mail in January , the grow lights would begin to glow and Dave would officially start the season ’ s planting . Splitting , dividing and sharing the fruit of his labors was his delight .
Dave ’ s home gardens contained over 800 different varieties of hostas . Some were the result of his hybridization . One especially beautiful hybrid hosta was named “ Barbara Katharina ,” in honor of his wife . His wife Barb identifies “ Sum and Substance ” as Dave ’ s favorite variety .
During his career as an attorney , Dave found release from the pressures of work in the splendor of his hostas and flowers . He also tended vegetables on his home property . “ Dave grew them , nurtured them and cleaned them . I did the cooking ,” Barb recalls .
Over the years , the Leifkers have made significant contributions in the propagation of hosta popularity and the development of the DABG . Recently , a lovely Japanese Pagoda was donated to the park from the Leifker gardens . A David Leifker Memorial Lantern has been installed amidst the hostas in the cool shade glade above the Japanese Garden .
Dave will be missed ! His memory lives on . The legacy he shared inspires growth and giving in hearts everywhere .
The Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens has a lot to be thankful for – all due to grants we have received from local foundations , the City of Dubuque Arts & Culture and from the state of Iowa . With our almost 60 acre campus , greenhouses , water features , Visitor ’ s Center , and amphitheatre , it takes almost $ 300,000 annually to run the DABG , maintain all that it holds , build new gardens and host all the events that are held here .
Here is a snapshot of our recently awarded grants : Have you ever had trouble hearing what is said at the Music in the Garden concerts ? This summer , we are excited to have a new speaker system in place . MEDIACOM has made it possible to purchase a new , state-of-the-art system . You will be hearing from us soon !
JOHN DEERE FOUNDATION gives us much needed operating funds each year . John Deere has also helped us with the use of equipment , sent workers for clean-up days and many employees regularly volunteer here . A number of John Deere retirees call this their volunteer workplace as well . Thank you !
GREAT GIVE DAY was very successful for the DABG . Our first year , we raised $ 1,800 . In 2016 , we raised over $ 7,500 . This campaign is sponsored by the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque .
We would like to extend our brick walkway from the Herb Garden to the Hosta area as well as the Formal English Garden . This will increase handicapped accessibility as well as provide a natural walkway to the main features of the gardens . The WAHLERT FOUNDATION has provided a portion of the funds towards this project . We also have a grant submitted to the DUBUQUE RACING ASSOCIATION . Another partner in the project will be the HOSTA SOCIETY OF DUBUQUE .
We reached our endowment challenge goal !!! Starting at the beginning of last year , we were challenged to double our endowment over a two-year period . We did it in only one year with the help of GENEROUS INDIVIDUALS IN THE DUBUQUE AREA . Our goal was to add $ 90,000 in donations to the Dubuque Arboretum Association through the COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER DUBUQUE . Through the IOWA CULTURAL TRUST ENDOWMENT CHALLENGE GRANT , we received an extra $ 30,000 for the endowment . These funds are permanently endowed and the DABG receives 5 % of funds annually for general operating purposes . This has taken us a long way towards continued sustainability . Thank you to all who participated !
In 2017 , you will be seeing a new side to the DABG . We will be re-siding the Visitor ’ s Center . The planning committee is busy coming up with a new look that will last for years to come . We believe this project will really add to the appeal of the gardens . Thanks goes to the WOODWARD FOUNDATION for making this possible .
We are also grateful that the City of Dubuque places an emphasis on arts and culture . It adds to citizens ’ quality of life and the economic growth of the area . Annually , we receive operating funds from the CITY OF DUBUQUE ’ S ARTS AND CULTURE GRANT .
Many people cannot believe that we have free admission daily and free summer concerts . We are proud that anyone can come and enjoy the beauty of the DABG .