Thank you for giving generously…
Supporting Memberships
Jennifer & Jeffrey Ciochetto
Richard & Toni Heller
Werner & Michelle Hellmer
Irene Jecklin
Carole Loetscher
Mike Martin
Sandra Parrett
Doris Vogel
Corporate Memberships
Big Apple Bagels
Finnin Ford & Kia
Cash Donations
Alliant Energy Foundation
Constance Norby Endowment Fund
Dubuque Noon Lions Club
Howard & Dorothy McLean
James Schwarz
Community Foundation of
Greater Dubuque
Jan Brown
Mary Ann Conzett
Jack & Diana Frick
David & Kathy Golinski
Sandi & Nick Helgerson
Randy & Pat Judge
Kim & Tammy Klavitter
Michael Lehmkuhl
Amanda Matson
Howard & Dorothy McLean
Darryl Mozena
Larry & Lynn Pape
Jim & Marita Theisen
Nancy Van Milligen
Kathleen & Richard Weber
Music in the Gardens
Diamond Jo Casino
Fidelity Bank & Trust
HyVee, Dodge Street
ITC Midwest
Kendall/Hunt Publishing
Runde Auto Group
Westmark Enterprises
Jeffrey & Janet Mozena
Milt Avenarius, given by Marlin
Avenarius ; Wylie & M. J.
In-Kind Donations
Bledsoe; Frederick & Janet
Skid load of bags of pond rock by
Blum; Terry & Sue Brown;
Lowe’s Home Improvement
Alfred & Jeannette Cordes;
Robert & Judy Curnan; Jack
Two new tractor tires by Weldon
& Diana Frick; Mary Joan
Tire Inc.
Furlong; J.A. Glab; Mathias
2 concrete statues (pagoda & Celtic
& Shirley Hansen; Carole
cross by Barbara Leifker
Hannam; James & Susan
Carpet for office by American
Herron;Robert & Jean Heil;
Flooring Outlet
Marilyn Herold; David & Elaine
Labor discount for office renovation
Steven &
by Manders Construction, Inc.
Charlotte McGovern; Steven
1100 toys for Children’s Spring
& Beverly Test; Bob & Becky
Party by Toys for Tots,
Milt Avenarius & Julie Avenarius,
Electrical wiring by Marty Schiessl
given by Marlene & Richard
10 Stained Glass Rose Sun
Catchers to Gift Shop by Tim
Larry Clemens, given by Robert &
Faye Hoffman
Stakes for plant ID by Ainley
Howard Wagner, given by Jack &
Kennels & Fabrications
Diana Frick
Cook, given by Sandi
Securing the Future Campaign
Kendall/Hunt Publishing
Jane Daughetee, given by Jack &
Westmark Enterprises
Diana Frick
Jeanette Schreiber, given by Bob
Cultural Trust Endowment
Challenge Grant from the
Eileen Coursey, given by the Herb
State of Iowa
Society; Donald & Frances
Re-siding Visitor’s Center Grant
from Woodward Foundation
Dale Griffith, given by Edna Mozena
Trust; Melvin B. Miller;
Come Grow with Us Grant from
T. Griffith
John Deere Foundation
Frieda Suverkrup, given by Henry
Come Grow With Us
Monthly Sustaining Contributors
Dr. Edward Lammer, given by
Wylie & Jean Bledsoe
Gerianne Buelow; Joe &
Wayne & Eileen Coursey
Amy Cass; Mary Kay & Gary
Cowles; Mary & George
Robert & Faye Hoffman
Felderman; Jack & Diana
Keith Niles
Frick; Mike & Diane Kutsch;
Robert & Donna Wahlert
Mary & Carl Lange; Barry
& Mary Lammer Pickart;
Mary & Janaan Redmond;
In Memory of:
Tom & Judy Syke; Cheri
Eugene “Gene” Pierotti, given by
The following donations were received
February 2016 - April 2016
& Tom Stockel; Frederick
& Janell Timmermans;
Dennis & Sue McCarthy;
Rose & Mark Flaspohler,
Mary Lea Braen, Roger & Ann
Benches, etc.
In Memory of:
Josh Blount, bench in Garden of
Eat’n, given by Holly Kunkel
Dolly and Ed Colbert, bench in
Garden of Eat’n, given by
Paula Ruden
In Honor of:
Rosemary & Donald Ernzen, bench
outside of Gazebo, given by
Donald Ernzen
In Memory/Honor of:
Byron Bohnen, given by Byron
Larry & Donna Clements, given
by Dubuque Regional Hosta
Don & Helen Gourley, given by
Nancy Nigri
Barbara Leifker, given by Byron
Theresa McAvoy, given by Angie
Blanche & Bud McCauley, given by
Catherine Klein
Florence & Al Puls Jr., given by
Deb Puls
Don & Elaine Sawvel, given by Lois
Donation Bricks Garden of Eat’n
In Memory/Honor of:
Catherine Christopherson, given by
Joan Lagen
Betty Knabel, given by Mark R.
Knabel, M.D.
Henry & Margaret Makovec, given
by Dianne Makovec
We are filling the pond
up. Soon, the koi fish
will move in!