it ’ s done . The next thing is , “ haaaa , haana basa uyu ,” and when you share something that makes a lot of sense , it ' s too late because society has already deemed you invalid . I actually don ’ t see why we have become such a society , but I believe there is space for so many conversations to take place , and it can only happen if we stretch our perspectives and are open to more dialogue . Online bullying , however , has become the result of such energy online , and there is a need for us to be open to diversity , which is a beautiful thing .
GMI : What is your favourite childhood memory that you would like to share with us and why this particular one ? favourite for us at Groove , " We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings the way that boys are ." What would you say to this as someone everyone associates with both success and sexuality ?
Misred : Just be you and be that person in the best way you can . Living under the pressure to impress has sometimes led us to over-express ourselves and not fully express ourselves in ways that are not too far outside of our beliefs and mentally comfortable spaces .
GMI : We live at a time where conversations about mental health are on the increase . Do you believe that in Zimbabwe , and Africa at large , people are dealing with mental health ?
Misred : Mental health is a huge conversation . Just like how we take care of our bodies , our minds deserve the same . As a country , I see we are opening up to the conversation , and a lot of institutions have begun to share more conversations around it . In Africa , we have so many problems that at times we don ’ t get enough conversations simply because they sound foreign . However , just like in Zim , we are going somewhere really positive .
GMI : At times , your social media presence can offer polarising opinions and feedback . How do you deal with the concept of ‘ cancel culture ’ and online bullying ?
Misred : One would say we have become less open to other people ’ s opinions . When someone shares what they think or believe and somehow doesn ' t go along with a certain crowd ,
Misred : I have a lot of memories , hahahahah . Maaaaan , where can I start ? Let ' s say when I went to Mozambique , as much as it was my mum putting me on a leash , I could consider it as one because I became a better person after that .
GMI : In parting what would you tell a 16 year old you , in this journey to being faithful to your happiness ?
Misred : Be yourself and never allow anyone or anything to take away your joy . Find something to believe and be passionate about . There is a bigger world out there .
" Happiness is an inside job ! It ’ s not an event or a feeling we enjoy only when something great happens ," Samantha Musa . Find out how you can commit to your own happiness . ' Be Faithful To Your Happiness ' is available on Amazon . Follow MisRed on her social media @ MisRed .