In a world full of distraction and distress , you ought to never let go of your happiness and allow it to be determined by someone or something .
that belief that the best will come out of us that has got me here .
GMI : ‘ Be Faithful to Your Happiness ’ is an interesting title . What inspired you to write a book ?
Misred : This book is a journey of a couple of years . A journey of self-discovery , vulnerability , and courage . The story became more vivid around 2018 when " Being Faithful To Your Happiness " was born as just a statement but later grew into a whole book . In a world full of distraction and distress , you ought to never let go of your happiness and allow it to be determined by someone or something .
GMI : What do you think has happened to your character now that the book is finished that you didn ’ t know when you wrote the book and did not have a chance to share in the book ?
Misred : It ' s more like pouring your heart out , and once you are done , all you can do is reflect on the process . I am more than grateful because it also allowed me to heal from a lot . Imagine writing a song , the feeling when it ' s out and sounds really good . That ’ s more like the feeling . Or maybe you bake a cake and finish by putting the icing on top . That ' s it .
GMI : We found the book very inspiring and healing , with a few subheadings standing out . If you have one , write your own eulogy . As an author yourself , our audiences are curious to know which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why .
Misred : Thanks so much . That chapter is more like a summary of what life has to feel like , living every day to become your best . There is so much that I have learnt from different books , and it ’ s really tough to pick the best books I have read or maybe to answer the question of who is my influence . So perhaps we can summarize it around two books : Spencer Johnson ' s Who Moved My Cheese and Robert Greene ' s 40 Laws of Power .
GMI : Working in the entertainment industry , do you feel like there are a lot of people who share the same perception of happiness as yourself ?
Misred : Yeah , I am sure there are a lot of people who share the same perspectives . At the end of the day , we are all human beings and there is a lot that goes around us , but happiness is vital for any human being to exist . After all that goes on around us , I am sure we always get to the point that being faithful to your happiness and not allowing it to be an external but internal process is one of the most important realizations anyone can ever have .
GMI : What is the one common misconception about your profession or field that you would want to debunk ?
Misred : Being a multi-dimensional brand , there is so much that I could talk about because people do say a lot . But I am not going to speak about females only , but rather the industry in general . Most people think that our space is less serious and less focused on growth , which I am sure there are a whole lot of lies in it . Lately , we have seen so many media personalities grow outside of their corners and own the turf .
GMI : Ngozi Adichie said in a speech , " We teach girls to shrink themselves , to aim to be successful but not too successful ." and a