Green River Rifle Works Collectors Association GRRW.CA Start Up | Page 7

Sept/Oct 2016 Muzzleloader Magazine with writer Mike Nesbitt told the world that the old GRRW firm had been reborn with the start of GRRW Collectors Association group. Now old friends are telling me I have too many different websites up about Green River Rifle Works Collectors Association [ ], they claim it’s hard to find us? That's funny all the websites link to our email address: [email protected] ? The jealousy continues.... I took advantage of free services to get the word out on the Internet as well as contacting some of my old friends that write for national magazines like Mike Nesbitt for an article about . Getting on the map for FREE saves you the customer and us the advertising service fees $$$ ... As always, Thank You for Your Time. GRRW CA Contact: B uck C onner 7