Green Lake Conference Center 2014 Special Edition Volume 46 | Page 6
Green Lake seeks to train and nurture leaders to be
agents of God’s desire for human flourishing in three
Our conferences help us understand the world around us,
and how we can help bring flourishing in this world. The
Bible provides the code to see and understand reality:
how things ought to be (creation), how they are (fall),
what can be done to fix that gap (redemption) and what
will happen if we implement what we can do (restoration).
Philosophies of school discipline reveal an example
of the implications of only emphasizing parts of reality.
Nineteenth century British boarding schools emphasized
the fallen nature of school kids and responded with caning
as a tool to live out that view. These schools tended to
undervalue the redemptive potential of young people.
Twenty-first century American schools often emphasize
the redemptive potential in students and focus almost
entirely on positive behavior mechanisms. But a short time
in a classroom of 13 year olds where only positive
behavior encouragement is employed quickly
shows the problems that follow ignoring the need
to also have corrective measures for the fallen part
of human nature.
Our conferencing focuses on leaders practically living
out and then learning to lead the path to S