Green Lake Conference Center 2014 Special Edition Volume 46 | Page 5

Human flourishing with bullies making nice, markets rising and squirrels smiling by Ben Mott, President/CEO “Wherever We Go” Newsboys rr ui Sq Wherever we go bluebirds sing And the flowers bloom And the grass gets green It’s a curious thing But it’s just our thing el sm Wherever we go, the bees behave In the treetops, squirrels smile and wave It’s a curious thing And it’s humbling Hands up Holler back here Lets throw this party in gear We brought the welcome mat Wherever we go, that’s where the party’s at Hands up Holler back now We don’t claim any know-how Were giving God all that Wherever we go, that’s where the party’s at Wherever we go, the dumb get wise And the crime rates drop And the markets rise It’s a curious thing But it’s just our thing Bullies make nice, crooks repent And the ozone layer shows improvement It’s a curious thing And it’s humbling ilin go n Me mor y Lane This Newsboys song pumps out a vision for the wonderful outcomes which flow from Christian leaders blessing their families, workplaces, communities and environment. As a Summit Ministries blogi puts it, “despite the shattering effects of the Fall, Christ’s redemption enables us through the power of the Holy Spirit to live in a way that brings blessing to the nations.” Michael Miller calls this “human flourishing…a life well lived according to our nature made in the image of God; it seeks the good, the true and the beautiful.”ii Green Lake’s calling articulated in 1944 is “to nurture and train leadership for the cause of Evangelical Christianity and the World Mission of the Churches.” We are to train leaders who not only draw people to Jesus Christ as the only pathway to eternal life, but also lead the journey to human flourishing through the redeeming power of the Holy Spirit. As the Newsboys sing, “flowers bloom, squirrels smile and wave, crime rates drop and markets rise, bullies make nice, crooks repent and the ozone layer shows improvement…we don’t claim any know how, we give God all that.” Human flourishing is not about utopia (Soviet Communism or Nazi fascism are 20th century examples of the murderous results of such worldviews). Instead, it is about shalom – “a universal flourishing, wholeness and delight – a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens the doors and welcomes creatures in whom he delights.”iii i CCLI# 11147141 Michael Miller is a research director at the Acton Institute and director of PovertyCure. ii iii 3