Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 9

This is a way to make the task of cooking great foods for your kids’ lunches painless and smooth. Its important that our kids eat extra well during their days at school, as they exert so much energy, both physically and mentally and their food gives them the fuel they need to play and learn throughout the day. Left-Overs! Many of my recipes can be pre-made or can even be dinner the night before. For example, we often make a soup for dinner and we know, that will be the main course of lunches the following day. The trick is to make extra so you have plenty left over for lunches. Some things are fine the next day, like soups, chili, or homemade veggie mac-n-cheese. Keep it Calm My motto is the mornings should be kept calm and rhythmical, both for the children to get started on their days in school with an easy transition, but also for my own peace of mind. Rather than television in the morning, consider replacing any media play before school with looking at books at the breakfast table or listening to calming music while you prepare breakfast and lunch. I have found that media over stimulates the children and does not allow them to transition into the wonderment of school and learning and often causes unnecessary battles. Keeping this practice a daily routine will help you prepare the meals for the school day in a calm environment that everyone will appreciate. Back to School Lunch Basket Menu Black Bean Soup Served With: Caesar Salad Wheat Parmesan Chips Raw: Asian Pears & Clementines Garden Vegetable Quinoa Served with: Cucumber & Cherry Tomato Salad Fried Tofu Fries with Sesame Soy Dressing Raw: Summer Bing Cherries 9 In Anni’s Conscious Kitchen