Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 8

In Anni’s Conscious Kitchen with Conscious Family Living Lifestyle Expert, Anni Daulter Anni is a C onscious Fam ily Living lifestyle exp ert, professio nal cook, advocate of sustainable living and author of 6 b ooks and the new online community, S acred Pregnan cy. With four children, three being school-aged, we have a lot of lunches to make each day. In our family, we’ve found that pre-planning lunches is EVERYTHING! Here are the tips I like to call “Lunch Leads.” I hope this helps take the stress out making school lunches and gives you a more calm transition time in the morning before you leave to get your children off to school. Clean Containers Have all of your containers clean and in one easily accessible spot. I have a huge basket for all of our eco-friendly lunch 8 containers. This type of organization goes a long way to save time and be efficient when packing up your lunches. Prep! Prep! Prep! I have found the most important thing in preparing good healthy lunches for my kids is prepping the food ahead of time. Do what you can the night before. For example, cut fruits and veggies, prep salads, make muffins or corn breads, dressings or dips can be made the previous Sunday before your child’s school week starts. Photos by Alexandra DeFurio Lunch Lead Lists Get organized! Take a dry erase board or sheet of paper and write each child’s name and each day’s lunch. This process takes the guessing out of our morning routine and helps to have things run smoothly as we are trying to manage breakfasts, get kids dressed and actually in the car ready to go.