Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 68

One Family’s Commitment to the Environment By Mary O’Donohue In our family, August isn’t just the end of summer and the time we start thinking about heading back to school. For us, it’s also “Commitment Month.” It’s the time of year my husband and I focus on teaching our children, and reminding ourselves, about the importance of making and keeping commitments in our lives. positive change matters, even if it seems small. So we focus on practical, concrete things we can do as a family of four to make things better. Throughout the month, we do simple exercises that help our kids understand what it means to be people who honor their commitments, and at the end of the month, we wrap up with a family commitment to protecting the environment. Certainly the environmental challenges that face our world are huge, but the commitment we make isn’t meant to overwhelm our kids. It’s about empowering them to know that every 68 Sit down with your kids and brainstorm several specific ways you can do better environmentally in your own house. Or walk around the house with your kids and play detective! Where are the clues as to how your family can make a more positive impact on the planet? Take note of any ideas your kids suggest. As my son says, often kids come up with solutions where grown ups see obstacles. Here are a few ideas my family came up with. I don’t necessarily think any of them are groundbreaking, but I can honestly tell you that we were not doing these simple things