Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 66

Back-to-School Boosters By Sara Chana IBCLC RH (AHG) Back to school is a period of big transition for both your child’s body and mind. It is fun and exciting for kids to get new backpacks, lunch bags and new clothes. The prospect of making new friends is both invigorating and scary. As uplifting as new experiences are, children usually begin having anxious thoughts like, “What if the kids don’t like me?” and “What if the classes are too hard?” or “How am I ever going to wake up on time?” Moms commonly fret about their children getting overwhelmed, anxious and sick after the first few weeks of school. The good news is that there are lots of herbs that can help kids and moms strengthen their immune systems and help calm back-to-school anxiety. Before we begin learning about our herbal allies, it is important to remember that there are a few basic and often overlooked nutrients that children need. The first is water - dehydration is often ignored and can make it very difficult for children to concentrate in school. To combat dehydration, I would recommend giving your child a jug of purified water to bring to school every day and encourage your child to drink it! This is an inexpen66 sive and easy tool to help your child to stay healthy and transition well. The next thing is to give your child snacks that contain oats, which are high in B vitamins which help calm the central nervous system. Oatmeal for breakfast and granola bars for snacks (preferably low in sugar) is two easy and tasty options. Two weeks prior to the beginning of the school year and up to one month after, I would recommend giving children a good immune herbal mixture to support the immune system. Nerves, tension and anxiety can suppress the immune system, which makes children more vulnerable to the viruses and bacteria that just love to ‘hang-out’ in classrooms. I prefer herbs to be in a tincture form, because most herbs are not potent enough in capsule form. In herbal medicine, a tinctured herb is one which is processed in either grain alcohol or glycerides. My favorite herbal companies are Herbalists & Alchemists, HerbPharm, Gaia, and Herbs of Light because they offer alcoholfree herbal combinations specifically formulated for children. You can purchase a blend called immune blends, or cold and flu blends