Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 60

Back to College Keeping it Green always good practices, make sure to recycle any paper that need to be thrown out. 7. Buy organic sheets and linen for the dorm and use an area rug if the room is not carpeted. Do not wear shoes in the room. 8. Use plant based laundry detergent or give your child soap nuts. 9. Rearrange the furniture to allow more light or shade. It will prevent excess use of heat or air conditioner. 10. Use public transportation or bike. Most campuses have free transportation system for students. Don’t drive or hail cabs. Run errands all at once so you are not making multiple trips. If you must use a car, consider renting a zip car. Many colleges have made phenomenal improvements to be greener but in many cases, it’s the students that are the driving forces behind some of the green changes on campus. Duke University’s Sustainable Duke Office works with students provides recycling bins for each dorm room and posts signs about conserving water in all the bathrooms. Students at Washing State University participate in projects focused on the development of clean technology. Students at Unity College restored a solar panel to the White House as part of political action. Carnegie Mellon University takes recycling to a whole another level by providing 10 recycling bins in their student union. Love Munch