Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 59

Questions asked include, what energy types that campuses use for electricity and for heating buildings, and what percentage of campus building completed within the past five years have a LEED certification of at least silver? Meeting these criteria is impressive even in this day and age of sustainability awareness. You can bet that the top 10 schools scored very high on these questions. Another impressive list is from Princeton Review that compiles rankings based on similar questions, for its “Guide to 322 Green Colleges”. The Daily Green publishes lists of green schools by school sizes that are nominated and voted by people, and not scored according to answers that colleges provide. Check Greenest Universities and Greenest Small Colleges and see which schools are favored by students, parents, and alumni. Regardless which list you look at, there are admirable number of colleges providing impressive sustainable programs for our future leaders and providing environmentally safe campuses for them. Once you’ve selected a school, let’s talk about how to green your college experience. No matter how sustainable the college or university is, there are steps your student can take to keep health and the environment top priorities: 1. Use laptop instead of desktops. Most students probably already have laptops but to be even more energy efficient, make laptops hibernate or turn it off when not in use. Charge the laptop at night and use the battery during the day. 2. Use LED light bulbs for the dorm room and the desk lamp. They last 8-12 times longer and use 25% less energy. 3. Use rechargeable batteries. Your child will never have to buy batteries for the mouse or flashlights for four years! 4. Buy a power strip and use it for all the small appliances in the dorm room and turn off the switch when they are not in use. 5. Rent a refrigerator instead of buying a new one. It will cost money to store it over the summer and you’ll have to do all the lifting! 6. Use a recycle bin in the room and recycle unwanted paper. While printing double sided and reusing blank side for scraps are 59