Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 52

Nutritional Nuggets |by Louise Goldberg I’ve been hearing about the health benefits of coconut oil. Should we start using it instead of vegetable oils? Some believe that coconut oil can help in a variety of health issues from weight loss to Alzheimer’s to hypothyroidism; however at this time, there are no well executed studies to prove this. Coconut oil is predominately saturated fat and contains approximately 115 calories per tablespoon, like other oils. If you choose to incorporate it into your diet, do so in moderation, as you would with any other fat. How do I find a healthy cereal that my kids will like? First, ignore the claims on the front of the package and head straight for the nutrition facts label. Then look for no more than 10 grams of sugar and at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. When you check out the ingredient 52 list, avoid products that contain refined flours and artificial colors. If your kids can read, tell them what you are looking for and ask them to help you find a cereal that meets the criteria. How can I make organic food fit into our family’s budget? What you want to feed your family and what you can afford may not always line up so you want to consider where your dollar is most effective. Start with the Environmental Working Group’s list of fruits and vegetables that contain the highest level of pesticides when grown conventionally. If your family eats a lot of one or more of the foods listed there, choose organic. Another area where your dollar is best spent would be animal products, such as meat and dairy. In order for these foods to be organic, no growth hormones are used and the animals are fed from pastures that contain no pesticides. Consider heading to your lo-