Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q3 2015 | Page 11

U.S. Senator Mike Enzi Progress for Small Business I rely on my years of experience running a business in Wyoming to guide my work in the Senate, especially when working on issues in the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. Unfortunately, over the last few years, the committee hasn’t been as active as many of us would like. With a new majority this Congress, the committee is back to work and it is refreshing to see members working together in a bipartisan manner by considering and passing bills to help support in the 7(a) program authorization level to $20.5 billion in fiscal year 2015 and $23.5 billion in fiscal year 2016. The 7(a) loan offers flexibility, like longer terms and lower down payments, compared to other types of business financing. The committee also took action to pass one of my bills, the Small Business Fairness Act, which would help small businesses better compete for federal contracts by requiring agencies to consider Some of these bills have a more their past experience and direct positive effect on small “With a new majority this qualifications when they business in Wyoming than others, Congress, the committee is back band together to work but every action that assists small to work and it is refreshing to in teams to compete businesses and entrepreneurs is see members working together for larger contracts. good for all of us and good for the in a bipartisan manner by This bill is a win-win. country. considering and passing bills to Small businesses will help support small businesses be in better shape across the country.” Washington doesn’t always do it like to successfully team Wyoming, especially when it comes together and the federal to small business, but movement government will get a small businesses across the on these small business issues is a better return on dollars spent for country. At the end of April, the great step in the right direction. goods and services. committee was able to pass eight bills, several of which had been considered by this committee STATE OF small BUSINESS REPORT STASTISTICS in past Congresses, or were helpful programs that need to be reauthorized. 47% of Small Businesses have more confidence in our economy than 12 months ago. These bills would accomplish a variety of goals ranging from updating and reauthorizing the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program, to reinstating the 504 refinance program to allow small businesses to refinance existing qualified commercial real estate debt through the 504 loan program, to providing an increase 57% of Small Businesses expect to receive an increase in revenue in 2015. 38% of Small Businesses expect to hire additional employees in 2015. Q3 2015 BUSINESS JOURNAL l PG 11