Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q3 2015 | Page 10

middle class. If you judge them by the dollars created, they are the envy of the world. China is crowded and dirty and it certainly does not provide what we would consider to be a high quality of life. Contrasted to China are many beautiful cities around the US. One of the things that beautiful cities in our country have in common is that their economies have been stellar and they used the proceeds from the prosperity to better their communities. Again, growth should be a catalyst to improvement, but trying to use improvement as a catalyst for growth rarely, if ever, pans out. of elected bodies, or to pay the bills for the downtrodden. The role of business is to profit. The core of the “American Dream” embraces this concept. The idea that each man and woman in our country should have the freedom to succeed to the limit that their work and ideas will carry them is the basis of American success. Business pays the bills, paves the roads, builds the schools, keeps the water running and pumps the money into the economy. We must focus on the revenue generated by business and get our facts straight that our community is a great place because of, and not in spite of, the dollars that business generates. #3 - You cannot regulate yourself into prosperity. Every regulation costs businesses money. Some regulation is necessary as we work to “The Chamber is fighting protect the public interest, apply it to this battle for you because Let’sWyoming! Cheyenne but overall, regulation is a and drag. The problem is that we believe in our business regulation ultimately works to community. We believe The Chamber has been doing a redistribute wealth and reduces you are honorable folks lot of work on how this all applies the enticement for business to who want the best for the locally. We recently completed a operate within the economy. fee study that indicates millions of Regulation is all about the public community. We believe to the interest vs the private interest of that the more government dollars in lost revenue dueAdditionally, local regulatory process. the business. What happened regulates and taxes you, our local businesses deal with to the free economy? If the the less you will be able to hundreds of pages of regulations that operation of my business does not infringe on your rights to provide for our future. We outline requirements of landscaping, live, what responsibility does believe that you, yes you, sidewalks, change of use, and the on. It is time to change the the business have to society as built that and you, yes you, list goes Cheyenne’s growth curve. slope of a whole? Certainly I ask this earned that and should The Chamber is fighting this battle as a policy question because have the right to expend for you because we believe in our many businesses believe they you have a moral responsibility what you have built and business community. We believe best are honorable folks who want to the community. That is a earned in whatever way for the community. We believethe that wonderful thing, but I would you see fit, as long as it the more government regulates and a