Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q1 2015 | Page 11

U.S. Senator Mike Enzi New Congress Should Focus On Helping Small Business Americans are frustrated with the state of affairs in Washington, D.C. The results of the midterm elections were a clear declaration that Americans feel that they have been ignored. As Congress prepares for the upcoming session starting in January 2015, there needs to be a focus on addressing all of the pressing issues our nation faces. While Republicans and Democrats may not agree on certain things, they both know the importance of small business to the American economy. As I traveled across Wyoming this fall visiting businesses and job training facilities, there was a near unanimous sentiment from job creators: get the government off our backs. As a former small business owner, I understand the negative effects a growing national debt, an outdated and complex tax code, and an increasing number of regulations can have on a business, which is why I will continue fighting for small businesses all over Wyoming as we head into the 114th Congress. Plan and Biennial Budget bills that would balance the budget and lower our deficits to help get our country back on the right track. We also need to reform the tax code to make it simpler and fairer for all Americans. One of the biggest concerns for any business is Obamacare. The torrent of new regulations and policies that were created by Obamacare have increased costs for main street businesses and brought uncertainty – forcing businesses to halt expansion plans and limit hours or lay off workers, which has slowed job creation. Though Obamacare is making our economy sick, it is treatable. Along with working to overturn the law, I am working on bills that would repea