Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 67

is also an active member of the Old Scotch Staff Club. He is the author of the forthcoming centenary history of the Old Scotch Football Club. 2019 OSCA MERIT AWARDS Gwen Adams was elected to the committee of the Old Scotch Film Society in 2010. She enthusiastically joined other committee members in the administration of the society, and quickly gained the members’ respect and affection for her warm and friendly personality, and strong work ethic. She was elected as the society’s President in 2012, and held this position with great distinction until retiring at the end of 2015. She has continued to serve as a committee member, and devotes much of her own time to vetting and reviewing DVDs of suggested film titles. Gwen’s contribution to the Film Society continues to be highly valued. During Gwen’s presidency she initiated two important measures. The first was the introduction of three Sunday afternoon screenings per year, which she dubbed ‘Winter Warmers’. The society’s older members appreciate the opportunity to attend screenings during the day instead of venturing out on cold winter evenings. The second initiative was to collaborate with the School’s Media department to show two or three films a year made by Scotch boys, with a prize awarded annually to the boy whose film is judged the best. Gwen’s husband Bruce ('44) attended Scotch, as did her sons Rob ('76) and Andrew ('86), and her grandsons James ('05), William ('12) and Hamish Hood ('17). John Michael Carlisle Christensen ('57) has been a driving force behind the ongoing success of the Scotch Family Bellarine Branch Lunch since 2001. John, known universally as ‘Alfie’, is well known and respected in OSCA ranks. Each year he has energetically and enthusiastically contacted Scotch Family members who have either attended or may be interested in coming along to this popular annual function, helping to ensure its success. There is little Alfie does not become involved with, from negotiating with the venue, setting the menu, arranging the seating, organising transport and liaising with other OSCA branches. The inaugural gathering of this event was in 2001 when unexpectedly large numbers filled the venue, and Alfie’s energy since then has helped to ensure the lunch’s continuing success at various venues. It is now regularly held at the Queenscliff Rip View Bistro. Alfie has also been a regular attender at other branch functions such as the North-East Branch and Mornington. Alfie is a member of the Class of 1957, but he left Scotch in 1958. The Class of 1958 has for many years had tables at the OSCA Annual Dinner, largely as a result of Alfie’s coordination and contact with his former classmates. He is also one of the ‘13 Blind Mice’, a group from the Class of 1958 who help at the Very Special Kids annual fair. His brother Brian ('64) and sons Michael ('87) and David ('88) attended Scotch. Janette Kay (Jan) Goldsmith was a hard-working and very popular Secretary and later President of the Scotch Library Auxiliary for many years. During her tenure on the auxiliary, she led fundraising activities which acquired many items for the library, including a large flat screen and new furniture. Jan joined OSMaD’s Wardrobe Team in 2011 for the club’s production of Sweeney Todd – the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. She has been a hard-working member of the OSMaD committee since 2014. During her time at OSMaD, Jan’s sewing expertise has come to the fore. She can make virtually anything on a sewing machine, and is especially adept at making very quick repairs. In addition, Jan has spent hours driving around Victoria, picking up costumes from other theatre companies, and washing, ironing and returning costumes. Once showtime starts, Jan is backstage every night, helping with quick costume changes. Jan also brings considerable value to the production team as a member of OSMaD’s refreshment team, which ensures that everyone is well fed and watered throughout rehearsals and during the production. Jan encapsulates the essence of OSMaD, and adds great value to what OSMaD strives to achieve. She is the mother of young Old Boys Sam ('06) and Josh ('11). James Bryant Robinson ('83) joined the Old Scotch Football Club in 1984, not long after leaving school. He began a succession of Team Manager appointments for OSFC in that year, serving first as Team Manager for the under 19 team from 1984 to 1986. In 1987 he became Team Manager for the OSFC Warriors, continuing in that role until 1996. In 1997 James was appointed Team Manager of the club’s Premier reserves team, and held that post for five years. James’ next appointment, in 2002, was as Team Manager of OSFC’s Premier senior team, and he served in that role for 18 years, also taking on the added responsibility of Team Manager for the reserves team in 2018. James continues as Team Manager for OSFC’s seniors and reserves. James has made a major contribution to OSFC and to community football by professionally managing teams for 35 years as a volunteer, and by liaising harmoniously with VAFA umpires at all times on match days. He quietly and efficiently goes about his work, week after week, season after season. James was made a life member of OSFC in 2017, and has received numerous awards for his outstanding service to the club, including a VAFA Certificate of Merit award in 2019. His father Ian ('57) and brothers David ('85) and Michael ('88) attended Scotch. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP THE HON DR DAVID KEMP AC (’59) In recognition for longstanding and outstanding commitment to Scotch College and the Old Scotch Collegians’ Association Given under the Common Seal of the Association ____________________ Date ____________________ OSCA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ____________________ OSCA PRESIDENT CERTIFIC ATE OF M ERIT JAMES RO BINSON (’83) In recognitio George I. Aitken n for longst anding and outstand Scotch Co ing commi llegians’ As tment sociation the Comm on Seal of the Associ ation to the Old Given un der ________ ________ ____ Date ________ ________ ____ OSCA PRE SIDENT ________ ________ ____ OSCA EXE CUTIVE DIRECTOR Great Scot 67