Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 63

STRONG AND UPBEAT IN CHALLENGING TIMES Support for branches, clubs, societies and the wider community MR SCOTT MONTGOMERY ('85) OSCA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OSCA HOUSE AND ARCHIVES MUSEUM ENTRANCE NEARING COMPLETION In the very different, uncertain world of 2020, in Australia we have experienced issues with fires, floods and now the coronavirus, COVID-19. I was reflecting on it all recently with my teenage children, and we all agreed that we felt as if we were part of a movie script – and yet it’s all too real. The effect COVID-19 is having on the world is very hard to fathom. I am certainly feeling for our community, with our elderly and very young people most vulnerable to the coronavirus; but we are all having to cope with the fact that we don’t yet know how to deal with this disease, apart from taking all the precautions we can to help stop its spread. Our young Old Boys are resilient, and they will need to be, with casual and part-time employment in jeopardy and universities hugely impacted by the impact of COVID-19. To remain upbeat in challenging times is tough, but as a community we will come through this crisis. And it is not all bad news; here at OSCA the reality of cancelled events has allowed us to change our focus a little, and take up opportunities to reinvigorate some projects that we may not have had time to focus on in normal circumstances. 5. As well, our forthcoming move across Morrison Street to OSCA House and the new Archives Museum is an exciting one, and we have much to look forward to, with OSCA having its own home for the first time in its history. Engagement through our eNewsletter, online podcast and interviews with Old Boys to hear their stories is on the cards. Business will use these tools and OSCA will be looking to do the same, including through a new mobile community platform – OSCAconnect – which OSCA has launched to help Old Boys stay connected. To register for OSCAconnect, please login to: OSCA has welcomed a new team member, with Caroline Taylor having joined us as the OSCA Events and Communications Coordinator. Caroline is a past and current Scotch parent, with sons Henry (’18), Louis (now in Year 10) and Hugo (a future student). Caroline’s daughter, Millie, is a former Lauriston student. OSCA will continue to provide strong support to our branches, clubs, societies and to the wider Scotch Family during these extraordinary times. Do keep well out there, and stay strong. Great Scot 63