Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 59

ABOVE: EAST MELBOURNE GLEN CHAPTER PIONEERS. STANDING: SIR THOMAS RAMSAY ('24), FRANK STUCKEY ('24) AND BOB TANNER ('24). SEATED: FRANK VEITCH ('26), STAN QUINN (ATTENDED 1911) AND BOB MONTGOMERY ('22). LEFT: PETER CROOK. BELOW: A 1983 VIEW OF THE GLENN CENTRE POOL IN ITS INAUGURAL YEAR. as to hear about the developments at Scotch. For some Old Boy grandfathers, it was the first time they had been back since they left school! In another initiative, Peter Crook created the East Melbourne Chapter of Old Boys, with membership at first restricted only to Old Boys who had attended the School in East Melbourne (before it moved entirely to Hawthorn in 1926). In its early days the East Melbourne Chapter committee included Sir Thomas Ramsay (‘24), Bob Montgomery (‘22), Norman Cossar (‘26) and Alan Corr (‘23). Later, as the numbers in this historically most significant group began to dwindle, the chapter was renamed the East Melbourne Glen Chapter (fondly known as the EMG) and was expanded to include all Old Boys who had attended Scotch at Hawthorn while the East Melbourne school was still operating; and then to include all Old Boys aged 75 or older. It was also agreed that the widows of EMG members would be invited to EMG functions. This group has proved to be an invaluable resource for Scotch through its members’ knowledge of the history of the School (with many EMG members assisting in the Archives), and their love for the current and future School. During these important formative years of the Foundation, which was chaired variously during this period by Laurie Muir, Bib Stillwell, John T McIlwraith ('40) and Sandy Murdoch (‘58), a hugely significant milestone was reached. By the end of 1979, the Foundation had raised just over $1 million, the first school in Australia to do so. Not only did these funds contribute to the Senior Science Centre in 1976, but they also supported the construction of the Glenn Centre in 1983. In addition, two named endowed scholarships were established during these years, and the Foundation corpus (established in 1976) was bolstered greatly through a bequest from Colin Keon-Cohen in 1983. During this period a number of bequests were received, and supporters of the School reported that they had included Scotch in their wills. The concept of ‘endowment’ was being discussed with a very serious intent. From the early days of Scotch, the Foundation had found its place, and with firm support from both the School and from OSCA, it positioned itself to support the third great phase of building in the history of Scotch. The strong leadership within the Foundation and the inspiration and vision of those leaders made certain that the Scotch College Foundation would continue to anticipate the needs of the School, and work with the entire Scotch Family and its supporters to meet those needs, helping to move Scotch from good to great! ALAN WATKINSON – FORMER DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Great Scot 59