Great Scot 163_September 2021_ONLINE_21.09.21 | Page 13

This was proven when a quieter participant , when leading our group , helped it achieve success . This will be helpful in life as we need to work together to succeed in life . It also tells us to never underestimate anyone because teammates can easily and often surprise you . We also learned when to come out with our voice and back down when we need to let other people speak .
After being at Camp Rumbug , Year 5 has learnt many lessons . We have learnt how to work together in a team , show leadership and creativity . In all our eight activities , we ’ ve learnt how to support and help each other . Along with this , we have used our creative skills to conquer numerous obstacles .
Something we learnt from camp was teamwork . We had to work together to do a series of different tasks in the different activities , such as pulling the black rope to do the giant swing , or supporting our partners in low ropes . This helped us learn that some things are impossible to do by ourselves . We learnt perseverance through hardship and fear . On the giant swing some boys were scared but they got on every time and did it . While my group was doing the raft-building activity , we were sailing slower than a sloth . We kept rowing and after a long and tedious ride , we made it back to shore .
We learned many useful qualities at Camp Rumbug . These qualities were teamwork , perseverance , resilience and using alternate strategies if one did not work . There were a variety of activities and it was fun , both learning about ourselves and our teamwork skills .
We were amazed about how much we learnt about resilience and cooperation during Camp Rumbug . We had such an amazing
experience while also learning many important life skills such as how to cope with pressure and how to be productive as a team . We learnt to be resilient , cooperative , have fast reflexes , to be productive and learned how to communicate with others . Camp Rumbug was a fun camp and we certainly learned a lot there .
Camp Rumbug has made me awesome at leadership , cooperation , science , teamwork and looking out for each other . On this camp , I have been more active than ever . It inspired me to train harder and to be fit and lean . After Rumbug , camp has made me learn all the five core skills needed for the future and as well as the Olympic values . I have changed my attitude after the camp .
Camp was a great learning experience . It taught me so much . Camp made me become more resilient and patient . Bushcraft helped me to be slow and patient and with archery I had to aim properly . When completing low ropes teamwork was vital . Teamwork and patience were required during rafting . It also made me resilient by forcing me to keep on trying until I got it . With initiatives you had to keep on thinking of a solution and keep on retrying over and over . Camp was a helpful experience and taught me so much .
Every day at camp we learned something new . We learned some really important qualities including persistence , self-confidence and versatility . On every activity we learned a new quality such as the giant swing , where each student needed to give himself the confidence to get to the top . For some kids who were scared , even getting on the giant swing was an achievement . Maybe that means going out of your comfort zone . Well , during Camp Rumbug a lot of kids stepped out and gained new confidence .
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