Great Scot 161_December_2020_E-Mag_V2b | Page 5

Sim (' 79 ) and Fiona Pearse , with support from all members of Council .
I particularly thank Rev . Dr John Wilson , of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria , for his never-failing wisdom and support as Vice Chairman of Council . The School Council , during the time that John and I have served in our positions , has provided Scotch with unified purpose , to the great benefit of the boys , parents and the whole Scotch Family .
I am thankful to have had the opportunity to work with the Principal , Tom Batty , in his leadership of Scotch education . Tom Batty is an inspiring innovator in education who has further lifted the School ’ s academic excellence , while strengthening its pastoral care , and culture . His advances in educating boys are becoming internationally renowned , and he has built the School ’ s reputation for outstanding boys ’ education through his leadership of the International Boys ’ School Coalition .
I thank the Bursar and Secretary to Council , Ross Congleton , for his attention to the needs of Council over many years . It has been a pleasure to work with him .
The response of the School and the whole Scotch community during the pandemic has been truly inspiring , and I will never forget it . The true strength of the School ’ s values was there for all to see . Scotch teachers and other staff tirelessly sought to support the boys in their learning , and were magnificent . They would not have been able to do so without the support and sacrifices of parents in supporting the boys in their online learning . Throughout the year Council has worked to give confidence to staff and to the Scotch
Family , and to assist those experiencing financial hardship .
The Old Scotch Collegians ’ Association has acted strategically and with vision to expand its contributions to all the former students of the School , young and not-so-young . It has been a pleasure to have been able to work with such a well-led organisation whose members have such a deep love of the School .
Throughout my time as Chair , the Scotch Foundation , led by Michael Robinson AO and Associate Professor Doug Lording AM , has made an irreplaceable contribution to the School , providing an unequalled vehicle to support the continuing development and improvement of the campus .
The founder of our School , the Rev . James Forbes , wrote that education ‘ must be regarded as the great remedy for the ills of the body politic , the basis on which must be mainly rested all hopes of its amelioration , and of its future generations being better than the present ’. His vision has inspired me , and I believe will continue to inspire the School Council in its work .
As a member of Council and Council Chairman I have had the wonderful support of my wife Anne Marie , and over the years have seen sons William (’ 90 ), Andrew (’ 04 ) and Charles (’ 10 ) grow into young men who will contribute to building a better world .
I warmly congratulate Alex Sloan on his election as Chairman of the Scotch College Council . He knows the School exceptionally well and has already made a great contribution to its success . I am sure that under his leadership the College will continue to go from strength to strength . www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 3