Great Scot 160 September 2020 | Page 57



A question to ask people who may need a lift
With COVID-19 lockdown , mark two , in full swing at the time of writing , OSCA is acutely aware of the impact this is having on our mental health and overall wellbeing . OSCA has always played a role in connecting and reaching out , so more than ever it ’ s important to try different things , engage via the traditional phone call , enquire , and make an effort to comfort someone who just may need a lift .
Whether it ' s the loneliness of isolation or the stress of being stood down from a job due to COVID-19 restrictions , it ’ s important to be aware both of your own emotions and struggles and those of others around you . While it ’ s easy enough to ask someone ‘ are you ok ?’ or ‘ how are you coping ?’ quite often people will respond with a short or semi-positive answer to avoid giving further details .
I read a great article recently which challenged these stereotype questions , and suggested an alternative question that you , too , may find helpful as a conversation starter : ‘ What are you missing now ?’ This question invites more than just a single-word response , and the reply will enable you to gauge how flat or worried the person is feeling , and how he or she is coping with the implications of the pandemic .
By way of an example , I have been following an old classmate who recently opened up on Facebook about a serious and life-threatening illness he is dealing with . I gave him a call , and we had a great chat and laugh about some of the simple things that we were both missing in our lives right now . I got off the phone grateful for my own good health but pleased I was able to connect . I hope he , too , received a lift and was thankful for the call .
OSCA ’ s refreshed website , digital tools and apps are helpful for people who are struggling mentally , and they are certainly good resources for our alumni and the Scotch Family in general , who may need support during these difficult times . Do check them out .


In the absence of this year ’ s OSCA Annual Dinner through COVID-19 restrictions , Charlie Veitch of the Class of 2019 designed and produced a video featuring highlights from previous Annual Dinners , bagpipes by Brian Symington (’ 66 ) and a presentation from School Principal , Tom Batty and OSCA President , James Douglas (’ 84 ). Sam Hobson (’ 19 ) performed a self-isolation version of the Address to a Haggis . To access the video , go to www . oscanet . com . au / news / www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 55