Great Scot 160 September 2020 | Page 56



We are members of a powerful , caring community
As Victoria deals with Stage 4 lockdown restrictions , the School is once again capably managing a remote learning environment . At the same time , I am sure many of you are dealing with a range of difficult circumstances resulting from isolation , family and work pressure , and – in so many families – the added challenges remote learning brings . OSCA and the School are striving to do what they can to help our community manage through this difficult period . This is addressed in many articles in this edition of Great Scot , on the School ’ s website , and at OSCA connect .
Rather than including more commentary from me on those issues , I thought I would focus on what OSCA is doing , and also share with you some things to celebrate .
Arthur Atkins (’ 34 ) – our second-oldest known living Old Boy – turned 103 on 5 August . What a terrific milestone ! I have to add that it is still one of the highlights of my OSCA Presidency that Arthur was not even the oldest Old Boy at the 2019 OSCA Annual Dinner – that honour went to Bill Morgan ( rising 105 this year , a member , with Arthur , of the Class of 1934 , and School Captain in 1935 ). Both were well over 100 and both were attending the dinner . That ’ s passion and commitment .
I also want to celebrate some other wonderful things about our community . I have spoken before about the informal networks among Old Boys . Lockdown has highlighted for me the many ways our community connects .
OSCA has been working with our Young Old Boys on issues relating to connectedness , and in doing that we realised that there is an amazing number of informal Old Scotch groups engaging on social media . For example , check out OSCA _ YOBS on Instagram ; also , take a look at the connections you can make via OSCA connect ; or just do what I do and get out for a run with a couple of ‘ star athletes ’ from your year on Saturdays . ( I ’ m sure I was faster in 1984 than the APS record shows !)
Our Alumni Relations Committee has been doing terrific work engaging with our Old Boys on their life journeys , and thinking about when and how OSCA can connect . The committee ’ s work has highlighted for me how important it is to understand our community . We will focus more on this later this year , and we will look for your input on what OSCA needs to think about when we launch a new OSCA community survey . You can then
expect to see new initiatives coming out of this early in 2021 .
OSCA House in the superb new Tolson Centre had a ‘ soft ’ opening in July – just in time for a not-so-soft closing in August . While we can ’ t currently visit OSCA House , I am very excited about OSCA ’ s new home . It has wonderful spaces for Old Boys and our clubs and societies to work in and meet together , and later this year ( hopefully ) we will all be able to start using it . I encourage everyone to do that . OSCA House is also intrinsically linked to the Museum and Archives , which showcase our School ’ s extraordinary history .
This is my last Great Scot article as President of OSCA . I have had the remarkable privilege of leading the OSCA Council for two years . I would like to thank all of the Councillors and co-opted members of the committees for their hard work , passion and commitment as well as for the great support they gave me .
Let ’ s be grateful that we are all part of the wonderful Scotch Family , which is such a powerful , caring community . Please stay connected and look after each other . Stay in touch through OSCA connect , Instagram , Facebook and informal networks , and contact Scott Montgomery and Caroline Taylor at OSCA , for help and information about all things OSCA .
54 Great Scot Issue 160 – September 2020