The Scotch Foundation is committed to perpetuating the School ’ s vision
The theme of this edition of Great Scot – ‘ harmony and advancement ’ – is highly appropriate when it comes to the work of the Development Office and the Scotch College Foundation . Advancing Scotch is what we are about , and what we do .
The Scotch of today is a modern and dynamic Australian school , inspired by the values of our founder , the Reverend James Forbes , and based firmly on the crucial role we believe education plays in empowering young people to take control of their lives . The Foundation , through the work of the Development Office , is committed to perpetuating , and advancing , this vision .
As I , and many others , have stated before , the buildings and facilities , and the site itself – which generations of Scotch boys have enjoyed and from which they have benefited – are almost entirely the direct result of the generosity of Scotch families and Old Boys who have gone before . Income from fees cannot provide the financial basis for development , and so Scotch relies on the generosity of its community to support its aims and help bring its physical advancement goals to fruition .
Through the Foundation ’ s various scholarship funds , philanthropy has also opened the gates to a Scotch education for many boys who would not otherwise be able to attend the School . Scotch , and its community , have been advanced by the presence of many of these boys , whether they are from inner or outer Melbourne , regional Victoria or the rest of Australia .
I note the foresight of those who set the Foundation up 47 years ago . As featured in the May edition of Great Scot , their vision was ‘ to try and anticipate and provide for the funding needs of the School beyond what could be provided by school fees and government support . This was both a broad and a bold objective , and it positioned Scotch in the forefront of educational institutions across Australia in the field of educational philanthropy . In fact , that term – “ educational philanthropy ” – had barely been heard of in Australia , let alone understood and implemented ’.
I am sure that part of the Foundation ’ s rationale was also to provide funds for the School ‘ for a rainy day ’. I would argue that , with the second wave of COVID-19 restrictions just taking force as I write , the weather has certainly taken a turn for the worse , and if it isn ’ t ‘ raining ’ now , storm clouds are definitely gathering . The strong financial base that the Foundation provides for the School is a great tribute to Old Boys such as Laurie Muir (’ 41 ), Bib Stillwell (’ 45 ), Bruce Lithgow (’ 46 ) Brian Randall (’ 51 ), Ken Holder (’ 41 ) and Tom Hogg (’ 43 ), and we are grateful for their inspiring vision .
While we live in uncertain times , it is reassuring to know that the fundamental elements which drive Scotch are still front and centre in the minds of all at the School , along with a determination to ensure the core business of teaching and learning must proceed to the very best of our collective ability .
Many of the projects we have had on our drawing board have come to fruition this year , at a time when their imagined use has been hampered by a School community necessarily segregated by coronavirus social distancing imperatives , isolation and remote learning . The Keon-Cohen Dining Hall , the Tolson Centre , comprising the Scotch Archives and Museum , OSCA House and the Scotch Shop , and the new English Department in the Lithgow Centre , have all opened during this interrupted year , each providing outstanding outcomes for boys , staff and parents alike . Each of these facilities epitomises and honours advancement .
I would like to share with you an email I received from current School Captain , Will Dixon (’ 19 ). The message not only says a great deal about his measure as a person and School Captain , it also reminds us why we press on with these projects and programs which are so vitally important to all of us here at Scotch , even in challenging times that redefine who we are and what we ’ re about :
Dear TS , I hope you ' re well and have been keeping safe during this time . I just wanted to pass on a massive thank you , on behalf of the boys , for the endless amount of work you and your team have done in bringing the new Dining Hall , English Department , Archives Museum , OSCA House and the Scotch Shop to life .
I know for many of the boys , particularly for those in Year 12 , 2020 has not been the year they were
48 Great Scot Issue 160 – September 2020