THE SPIRIT A virtual pat on the back for bringing major projects to completion
The completion of three major projects this year is a strong reminder of the hard work by many and the good fortune with which Scotch College is blessed – a new dining hall , an outstanding learning facility in the new English Department , and the Tolson Centre . These are significant achievements to lift the spirit in these difficult times .
I had an opportunity to have a look around the new Keon-Cohen Dining Hall between lockdowns , and I was amazed by the transformation of what had been a gymnasium in my school days . The honour boards and the displays are strong reminders of our School ’ s history . The view across to the Meares Oval from St Andrew ’ s Square was another highlight for me , and I really hope we can preserve that view .
Then it was over to the Tolson Centre ( appropriately named after our original Archivist , Geoff Tolson (‘ 41 )). First stop was the Scotch Shop . This retail space appeared to be extraordinarily well laid out and was open for business on an appointment basis , and already much appreciated by our parents . The School , and our Indigenous Scholarship Program , will receive a financial boost from the shop .
Next was OSCA House . As a past OSCA President , I was glad to catch up with Scott Montgomery (’ 85 ) as he was settling into OSCA ’ s new headquarters . The space for informal gatherings and the meeting rooms will be a great boost for OSCA and the affiliated clubs and societies once the pandemic passes .
Then it was a short step to run into Paul Mishura in the Museum and Archives area . There was still much to be done here to get the museum set up , but it was clear how well this educational centre will work for our boys , and for other people visiting our School to learn more of our history . It is certainly timely that we have a purposebuilt area to safely display and store the treasure trove that is the Scotch Archives .
It ’ s a great pity that we have not been able to open these buildings in our usual manner , but it doesn ’ t stop us acknowledging how they have come to be . Many people have contributed to the design , building and supervision . Their efforts have been exceptional , particularly in respect of the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall and St Andrew ’ s Square , which presented many unexpected issues . There are too many people to name them all here , but a well-deserved ‘ virtual ’ pat on the back goes to all involved .
I particularly want to acknowledge the contributions that the School community has made to the Tolson Centre . Andrew Cook (’ 72 ), Enio (’ 77 ) and Angela Di Donato , Geoff Donaldson (’ 31 ), Andrew and Anne-Marie Ferraro , John and Jill Kaminsky , Don Moyes (’ 50 ), Geoff Paton (’ 57 ), Brian Randall (’ 51 ), Bill (’ 63 ) and Dianne Sides and Jiang Yu and Bozhong Li all have made significant contributions to this project . We are most grateful to them , because without their generosity the Tolson Centre simply would not have been built . More ‘ virtual ’ pats on the back are warranted .
Importantly , many other people have also contributed to the funding of the Tolson Centre , and it is gratifying to see that even in these difficult times continuing support is coming through the Annual Giving Program . This year it has been decided to keep that program running until 6 October , which , as the anniversary of the School ’ s foundation in 1851 , is a highly significant date for Scotch .
We are now entering a period of less frenetic construction activity around the School . In one sense it has been good to have a slowing down , but there is still much thought going into planning the continuing development of the campus . Improvements to boarding , the development of the Robinson Building ( for mathematics ) and sports facilities will come forward for funding over the years to come .
I hope by the time you read this we are over the worst of the infective element of the pandemic . Clearly there will still be a lot to play out as we come to grips with the economic consequences of shutting down . Of course we all miss the face-to-face contact , and one can ’ t help but feel sorry for our boys , particularly those in Year 12 . There are so many in our community who take great comfort from their Scotch community contacts . Let ’ s hope we can get together in the not too distant future .
In the meantime , look after yourselves and those dear to you , and don ’ t forget to keep an eye out for those around you . Not all of them will be travelling as well as you may think . www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 47