restrictions eased , we saw numbers increase , and then contact , unlimited numbers in groups and competition were all permitted .
Then , on the dawn of a return to Term 3 and planned internal and external competition , we heard the news of further restrictions . The disappointment for the boys was no more obvious than in the Soccer 1st XI squad , who after hearing the news at the end of a practice match were visibly upset . It was obvious that the further restrictions would make it almost impossible for the boys to play . Despite this , our boys continued to show great resilience . The Year 11 and 12 boys continued to make the most of training opportunities with our conditioning coaches . Through the advice of the education department , we were able to provide some important physical activity under strict conditions , which included fitness sessions at lunchtime .
Mr Keith Oatley and our Heads of House were able to provide a House winter sport competition . While these activities looked very different to previous winter House sports competitions , it was obvious the boys enjoyed them . They included closest to the pin golf , soccer penalties goals , three-point basketball shots , football goal kicking , fast singles tennis , and ‘ rob the nest ’ in hockey . But then our boys faced a further setback with Stage 4 restrictions , meaning all boys , including Year 11 and 12 boys , resumed online learning . It was no surprise when it was announced that the APS winter season was cancelled .
While it is hard to see too many positives from this experience , I feel the boys have had the opportunity to grow from the hardships they have encountered . I was very pleased to have contact with so many of our professional sportsmen , who have reached out to the
36 Great Scot Issue 160 – September 2020