Great Britain Hockey 93026 GBH Talent Development Framework Booklet | Page 9
These qualities are not intended as talent identification
or selection criteria, but as learning focuses to inform
the practices you design, how you behave and the
developmental environments you endeavour to create
Players who are…
Player is able to
demonstrate the
necessary speed of
body, mind, and/or
stick to compete in a
fast dynamic game.
Speed of body: Player demonstrates
sound levels of peak speed and
acceleration speed and technique.
Speed of mind: Player demonstrates
sound levels of context-sensitive (for
example, field location, score, and time)
on-field decision making, both while in
attack (either in possession of the ball or
without) and in defence.
Speed of stick: Player demonstrates
effective ‘foot skills’, decision making and
stick skills and technique.
Physically, Mentally &
Emotionally Durable*
Physically Literate*
Player is able to
regularly perform over
time, in training and
competition, when
needed, without
injury. Repeatability: Player demonstrates
repeated sprint ability and aerobic speed
endurance to increase intensity in the final
period of competition.
Player is able to
demonstrate the
basic fundamental
physical movement
skills to be able to
perform increasingly
complex hockey
specific skills. Fundamental movement skills: Player
is able to demonstrate the fundamental
locomotor (walking, running, jumping and
landing, and evasion), stability (static and
dynamic balance), and manipulation
(handling and controlling a ball with the
stick) skills that form the foundation for (but
can be learned alongside) more specific
hockey skills.
Consistently available: Player
demonstrates a robust physiological
profile that is resilient to the increasingly
high volumes of work required from
training and competition.
Health literacy: Player demonstrates a
holistic understanding of the body and
its function; they know what good health
looks like for them?
Hockey specific movements: Player
is able to demonstrate strength in
flexion, and an appropriate hip range of
movement, rotational power, and lower
lib eccentric control and strength.
* A
dapted from: Jennings, D., Cormack, S.J., Coutts, A. J., Aughey, R. J. (2012).GPS Analysis of an International Field Hockey Tournament. International Journal of Sports
Physiology & Performance (7), 224- 231 Lythe, J., & Kilding, A. E. (2011) Physical demands and physiological responses during elite field hockey. International Journal of
Sports Medicine. 32(7): 523-8